And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bright Eyes Quiz

You scored as False Advertising. You pretend to be happy, but you need change and more happiness in your life

False Advertising


Drunk Kid Catholic


Bowl of Oranges


Haligh Haligh A Lie Haligh


You will? You. Will you? etc.


Lover I don't have to Love


Which Bright Eyes song are you most like?
created with

Sunday, April 24, 2005

We make beautiful music together

Saturday Marshall and I did something amazing, we made music together. He was playing guitar as I was playing my game when he asked me if I could play something on my viola. I got it out and had a seat. Then him with his guitar and beautiful voice and me with my viola we made an arrangement. It was great. We found a new way to bond and I honestly feel closer to him.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

No, it's MINE

I went to the store the other day to get me an XBox. Marsh was there with me because it is the weekend and he is here this time. Anyway, we go and get the XBox and some guy comes up to us and asks Marsh about it like it was for him. When we went to the check out line the woman said something about it being for him. No, it is MINE! I have tits and I am buying an X Box! The two things are NOT mutually exclusive. So here I go to beat some ass on Soul Calibur 2. I need to do the weapons mode to earn my favourite character, the sassy Seung Mina.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Growing old and growing up

So here I sit, 23 years old complete with apartment and employment. I looked at myself in the mirror today and actually felt my age, which is a rare feat. I feel old today, could it be the tea and facial mask?
I've been watching Sex and the City (not the lame TBS version either). Some of the topics sound like some of the conversations I had with some friends, particularly Elen and Justin. I don't have any close friends anymore, really, to discuss these things with. Holly and I do bring some things up, but it's kind of hard to talk about sex with someone who has not had sex. I suppose I need to make more friends, or keep some of the old ones (who have in return forgotten me as I have them). I think out of all the characters I identify most with Miranda. I am certainly not as pure and girly as Charlotte. Nor am I as slutty (but fab) like Samantha. While I do write and ponder like Carrie, I don't think I am quite her, as I lack the love of shoes.
I have, though become more girly. I can stomach clothing shopping. Not to long ago I dropped $300 in one trip. Shopping has become more enjoyable with Marsh. He finds things that look good on me and I always find things I like when I am with him. I remember shopping with my ex fiance, hated it. I always felt like a doll and he was playing dress up.
Being girly is an issue for me. I do not want to be a stereotypic shoe/purse loving woman always in heels and a skirt or dress with make up. I don't do much on make up and I am not good with heels. I've tried.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Life, and more of it

Once again I find myself analyzing my own life, when am I not?
I'm at a point where I am realiznig what it is I want, or more inportantly what it is I do not want. I am not incredibly happy with my job at the moment because of all the paper work I am having to do. My co-ordinators say I am doing a great job, so it does help. My students are being a little rambunctious lately. I am stressing out because I have to keep repeating myself because they don't stop and listen. I think I want to go back into doing group home work like I have done the last few summers. That was the sort of thing I like. Not that I do not like teaching, I just prefer working in a group home type setting.
I'm happy with my relationship. I have things that I want and need. One of the most important things to me is that I can rely on Marshall. If he says something he is going to do it, and if he can't he let's me know. There is no guess work involved. I am not left waiting, wondering. I hate that feeling of not knowing and waiting to find out. It makes me feel like I am unimportant when someone is unreliable, that my feelings don't matter. The only thing I am not happy about is the distance, but there is not much I can do about that for the meantime. I can only enjoy what I have.
I do wish I had more friends to do stuff with, or really friends in general. I do have Holly, but we rarely get to see each other due to our schedules. Erin is moving up to Greenville, which will help a lot. She's really cool. Other than that I really don't have friends. At work I am always in my portable, seperated from the rest of the school so I rarely see my co-workers. Any other "friends" I may have I never hear from or are completly unreliable.
What I would like to do is get back into music and writing. I miss both. I used to write all the time, but the past few years I have had limited time to write. Maybe this summer I will get a chance to write. Summer won't come soon enough.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Excuse me

You would be late to your own funeral and have a good excuse.
I wonder if you have a book of excuses, if not you so should write one. It seems like there is always some reason you can't be reliable.

Are we done yet?

Seriously I am ready for vacation. I have been burried under a mountain of paperwork for the last few months. I should be done with it within a few weeks. THANK THE STARS! All I need to do is get the IEPs check have the conferences then turn them in. This should be all over by May.
I am happy tomorrow is acting like a Friday. I need it. I am heading down to Columbia for my 3 day weekend with Marsh. :) I love weekends because it means I get to see my man. It sucks not having him around during the week. I was so spoiled during Spring Break when I spent the week with him. When he came home from work I was there for hugs and kisses and lovin'.
I can't wait till summer..... *clicks heels together* There's no time like summer, there is no time like summer, there is no time like summer..........

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Denouement by Baumer

Tell her now while she's still here
Tell her while you still feel brave
Don't even think about it,
Don't try to figure it out
Your heart's a liar but you should listen to it anyway
tell her you love her,
your love can't be afriad
it doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene love is almost always accidental
it doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene, love is almost alawys accidental
and if you know she's gone
you have to leave today
you have to find a way
to find her
But don't just be afraid
of what you think she'll say
you have to find a way
to find her
It doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene love is almost always accidental
It doesn't have to be perfect like a movie scene love is almost always accidental

Friday, April 08, 2005

the switch gets hit and it all stops making sense

Sometimes I flashback in the middle of situations. Sometimes these flashbacks bring me into that emotional state, a lot of times that is fear or saddness, and I carry it on as if I am still really there. I don't understand it. It scares me. I don't know how to rid myself of this weirdness.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Apart at the Seams

Sometimes seems so perfect, they really do, but then a moment comes for you to ponder how incomplete things are. You are left with a longing that pierces your heart and fills your eyes with water.
I still find myself with a lacking of friends. I guess I always had this issue. Maybe I am just needy. So I have a boyfriend that I love very much, but I am still lonely. I only see him 2/3 days a week and talk to him for maybe 1/2 hour a day, if that. The distance is getting to me, it always does.
My last 3 relationships have been long distance at some point or another. With Neal, or *NeaL* as he writes it, most of our 3.5 years was spent apart, but we talked all the damn time. Tommy was in Charleston and came up every weekend. Erick and I had 3 months apart, some of it was agonizing waiting for him to call or send a letter. Now I have Marsh and the weekend deal. With us being as serious as we are it is hard. I feel really dependent on him, and that is scary.
I have a lack of female friends. My one is busy when I am free and free when I am busy. I guess I need to try to branch out.
There's a 100 songs that I love
and wish you would hear
but you never
take the time to listen to the words
the words that break my heart
and broke yours

I made you a cd
hoping you would get the point
but I got caught up in the mood
each band entranced
So it never met your hands