And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Friday, April 15, 2005

Life, and more of it

Once again I find myself analyzing my own life, when am I not?
I'm at a point where I am realiznig what it is I want, or more inportantly what it is I do not want. I am not incredibly happy with my job at the moment because of all the paper work I am having to do. My co-ordinators say I am doing a great job, so it does help. My students are being a little rambunctious lately. I am stressing out because I have to keep repeating myself because they don't stop and listen. I think I want to go back into doing group home work like I have done the last few summers. That was the sort of thing I like. Not that I do not like teaching, I just prefer working in a group home type setting.
I'm happy with my relationship. I have things that I want and need. One of the most important things to me is that I can rely on Marshall. If he says something he is going to do it, and if he can't he let's me know. There is no guess work involved. I am not left waiting, wondering. I hate that feeling of not knowing and waiting to find out. It makes me feel like I am unimportant when someone is unreliable, that my feelings don't matter. The only thing I am not happy about is the distance, but there is not much I can do about that for the meantime. I can only enjoy what I have.
I do wish I had more friends to do stuff with, or really friends in general. I do have Holly, but we rarely get to see each other due to our schedules. Erin is moving up to Greenville, which will help a lot. She's really cool. Other than that I really don't have friends. At work I am always in my portable, seperated from the rest of the school so I rarely see my co-workers. Any other "friends" I may have I never hear from or are completly unreliable.
What I would like to do is get back into music and writing. I miss both. I used to write all the time, but the past few years I have had limited time to write. Maybe this summer I will get a chance to write. Summer won't come soon enough.


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