And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Freakin' Awesome!

Wow, great day with Erin. After school we headed out to find a place to live. We looked at this one apartment that was great. It was 2 bed, 2 bath. The great thing was both bedrooms are the same size, so no fighting over the larger room. The bathrooms are connected to the bedrooms through the HUGE closets. I am serious we are going to have no problem with storage. The kitchen was open so communication with guests in the living room or nook is possible. It has a bay window by which we could put a reading nook. It has a balcony with an odd shape, but cute none the less.

So we looked at that one. Then headed to lunch, downtown for SPRING ROLLS! Yeah! Then off to look at another apartment. On the way to the car saw someone from my past that I would like to forget. I have so moved on from then and for the better, but we all know that.

On the way to the next apartment we realized the trip there wasn't so great. It's on a weird road that curves oddly. Into the apartment we went. I like that the mailboxes are in each individual building. I liked the built in bookcases. The kitchen was spacious, plus. The bedrooms looked too small. And it didn't have attached bathroom for the smaller bedroom.

We decided on the first apartment. We were really excited to be making that decision. So we high tailed it to a coffee shop to fill out the application. We brought it back to the place and took another look at the apartment. We were thinking what we wanted and where. It's a great feeling.

I am so excited. Marshall is going to help us make change of address postcards. He is so awesome at designing. He is pictures, I am words. A great match.

YAY Apartment, lucky apt F-13

Monday, May 30, 2005

Out Of Touch

Sitting on my bed staring at the computer I come to another realization (I am full of them). My buddy list contains a dozen names of people I never talk to anymore. These people I used to see on a regular basis. How easy it is to fall out of touch with friends. What is it that enables us to discard the familiar? Is it distance? Is it the fact that you are never with this person anymore that makes it easy to forget them? In this world where keeping in touch is a mere click of a button away, why do we let friendships go?

Is that I have grown up and grown older than my once upon a time friends? Is it that now I have a job, my own place that draws me away from the lives of my college student counterparts?

I talked to Veronica today. I can't remember the last time I talked to her. I recently emailed an old friend just to check up on them. We talked online one day and then stopped after a week. I guess it is too much to try to make up for years of distance.

But distance can't be the only factor. I have been friends with the same girl since 2nd grade. She lives in Chicago and I have moved back and forth across the country. We still talk, we still write. I saw her for the first time since 2nd grade Christmas of 04. I guess some bonds are meant to be broken. If two people are really friends, they'll hang on to each other.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sometimes I'd rather be alone...

I come to the realization of how much I have changed from last year. I have had this realization at several points in time. The most dramatic change is the drinking. I spent last year drinking all the time, now I can barely touch the stuff. Part of it is that drinking has become unappetizing and I hate the affect it has on me. Yeah last year it was ok to be say shit like "Man I was so wasted last night," but now it's rather lame. I have a career now, responsibilities. Getting wasted isn't really cool any more, for me.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Vegas Glam (reception and going home)

Ok so we are at the reception at the Excalibur's buffet, I choose to sit away from my sister to avoid problems. I thought Melinda would sit near her, but no she sat at the same table as us, GRRRRRR. Anyway, we're all eating and eating and eating because that's what we do. Dad isn't feeling well so Pru takes him up to the room. That took all of 10 minutes. While we waited for her our bellies began to rumble for wedding cake. When she got back to the table Mom had mentioned about the cake, to which my sister replied "Ihaven't eaten. I'mhungry." She was bitchy about it. Someone began clinking a glass which means the new couple has to kiss. She avoided it. Then when it came time for cake Ryan nicely fed it to her and she slammed it in his face. How immature.
Marsh and I had a bit of a tiff on the way home. I was just so frustrated with my sister and trying to get back to the hotel. We got back and he crawled into bed, I went to the bar. On my way I stopped at a couch in the hallway and cried on the phone to Holly. Then I downed 3 Midori Sours. After wondering I called the room to make a truce with Marsh. He came down and we had fun. Then we went to the room for 2 rounds of make up sex.. mmm mmm mmm.
The next day we checked out. We met up with Mom and went out for lunch and to the Shark aquarium at Mandalay Bay. We hit the blackjack table for a little. I lost $100 easily, lol.
I took a nap at my parents. I felt bad when I woke up that I left Marsh alone with my family. He seemed to do well. He taught them a new card game. My parents like card games. They used to meet up with my aunt and uncle for games or with our old neighbors.
We stopped at the gift shops in the airport. I bought two journals one that is "all about me" and the other is "all about us" or something like that. They have questions that make you think. Some of the questions are kinda fun.
Well that is all for Vegas.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Viva Las Vegas

Back from Vegas, wow that was an interesting trip.
It started off semi early last Thursday morning. THe flight over wasn't so bad until we were ready to depart for Vegas from Houston. We were stuck onthe plan for 2 hours before we took off. Airlines seem to be the only company we willingly allow to take advantage of us. We pay out the ass for tickets for an overbooked flight where we only get a small drink and a rinky dink bag of pretzels as a thanks. These people can make you wait, deny you a trip at the time you paid for, and give you nothing in return. No drinks or snacks were passed out as we waited two hours before taxi-ing, though we all got those cheap headsets they sell for $5 for free to watch a really shitty movie with bad sound quality, and of course something was wrong with out screen. It pisses me off how we accept this shitty treatment from airlines.

Just the same we got to Vegas two hours late. Marshall and I got a taxi to our hotel, the StarDust. We relaxed then got picked up by my Aunt Pat and taken to my parents' hotel room. My mum, as usual, cried when she saw me. We then went out to dinner at the Excalibur. We saw my sister, Ryan, and Katrina back at Mum's hotel. Pru and Katrina had both gained some weight since I last saw them. Then Ryan, Pru, Katrina, Marsh and I went back to our hotel for a few drinks. My sister was her usual dramatic self, a tad bichy and hostile.

Friday we explored Vegas and did some of the fun stuff. We went to the top of the Eifle Tower at Paris. The tower is 1/2 the size of the real one. From the top we could see all of Vegas. It was interesting watching the Bellagio water fountain show from the top. We also watched one of the shows up close and personal, of course it had to be a song I hate. Of the hundreds of songs that thing plays, it played "My Heart Will Go On." GAG!!!! We also went on the Gondola ride at the Venetian. It was romantic. It was relaxing to be sung to on the water.

Friday night we were all supposed to meet at Tangerine at Treasure Island, which was right near our hotel. So I dressed up and did my hair. So I get my new signature drink, a Midori Sour, and wait. We were late getting there, but it turns out my sister and everyone were running late. Then it turned out that they couldn't get in so they were going to another club. So, we got i a cab and headed for Rio, which is off the strip. When we got there DRAMA greeted us. Things were fine at first, we all went into the club. Of course Ryan's parents, and my mum didn't enjoy the music and were uncomfortable. Ryan wasn't feeling well so he wasn't all into it. Katrina and Jose got wasted and hooked up. My sister stormed out to the bathroom crying. I followed her. She said no one was having a good time and everyone was ruining her time. I tried to calm her down and we came up with a plan: the "adults" were going to go home since it wasn't really their thing, Ryan would go home since he wasn't feeling well and the rest of us would stay. So on our way back to the club, we ran into Ryan and I am not sure what happened, but somewhere in telling him the new plan Pru and him got into a fight and made an asshole comment about not making it to the wedding. So this upset Pru more and she headed back to the bathroom with me and Mum in tow. My sister goes on about how everyone is shitting on her night and on and on. My mum, not being very sympathetic or empathetic, begins to say "oh shut up" calls her a drama queen and to get over herself and on and on. Pru stormed off and Mum was going after her. I told her just to leave, but she didn't listen to me. When it was all resolved, Ryan, Marsh, Jose, Katrina, Pru and I headed to NYNY. The night ended abruptly.
The next day we headed up to Pru's hotel for the wedding. I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find the monorail. It was hot outside and we were running late. I was getting mad because of that and that Marsh was walking kind of slow and I felt like I was the only one trying to get us there. I got there finally and had 15 min to get dressed. I did it and put on make up in the car. Then came the part where I get bitchy.
I was the Maid of Honor. Well some chick named Melinda, whom I never heard of until the wedding, was the Matron of Honor. My sister asked if she would mind walking first so I could walk right before my sister. Melinda made the statement that she was older so she should be the one to walk infront of my sister. So I said I didn't care I would walk first, no worries. Melinda then gets on me like I am being difficult and says that it is my sister's day and shouldn't ruin it. I just ignored it from then. I was given the ring and as I was about to walk, the woman at teh chapel took the ring from me and gave it to Melinda to hold on to. SO basically I did NOTHING, even in the pictures I was not next to her. So yeah when I get married let's just say I will get my revenge, catty I know.
I'll write more up later of our last day and half in Vegas.....

Monday, May 09, 2005


Sometimes a small get-a-way can make everything better. After two weeks of depression and three weeks of stress from work I took off for the beach alone. I did meet up with a friend and had a good time.
It's nice to get away. It's nice also to catch up on some of the "good old times."
For the most part is was time away from work, away from the kids, away away away

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

To the Drama King

*clap clap clap*

Your portrayl of a backstabbing, self centered gossip was brilliant! En-fucking-core!

Monday, May 02, 2005

What about your friends?

Once again I find myself wondering about people and their places in my life. I have one friend who I love dearly, but I really wonder about her. After talking to her, well really her talking to me, she mentions that there have been times lately where she has had no one to talk to. Gee, where have I been? I do believe I have been around/online/with phone in hand. Like I have never been a good listener, even when it is 45 min (and counting)before I can talk.
Then there are the people I thought of as friends that I never talk to. In one case it's because he betrayed my trust. Sometimes it isn't your place to tell other people things especially if the situation has been handled.
Sometimes it's just easy to keep a superficial relationship with people, to keep them at distance for one reason.
Friendship changes as you get older. As a kid a friend was someone who sahred their snack and played on the swings with you when the other kids didn't want to play with you.