And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Monday, May 02, 2005

What about your friends?

Once again I find myself wondering about people and their places in my life. I have one friend who I love dearly, but I really wonder about her. After talking to her, well really her talking to me, she mentions that there have been times lately where she has had no one to talk to. Gee, where have I been? I do believe I have been around/online/with phone in hand. Like I have never been a good listener, even when it is 45 min (and counting)before I can talk.
Then there are the people I thought of as friends that I never talk to. In one case it's because he betrayed my trust. Sometimes it isn't your place to tell other people things especially if the situation has been handled.
Sometimes it's just easy to keep a superficial relationship with people, to keep them at distance for one reason.
Friendship changes as you get older. As a kid a friend was someone who sahred their snack and played on the swings with you when the other kids didn't want to play with you.


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