And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I about had a heart attack today. I couldn't find my star ring. I usually take it off when I shower and put it on the shampoo ledge. I take it off when I wash dishes, I put it on the counter. My ring was not in either place. I searched my desk, purses, pockets, tables, floor and nothing.
I was about to cry. If I lost it it would mean losing a lot. Frantic, I searched every place once more and looked around my bathroom sink area. It was under my I-never-use-it-makeup bag. I found it. Whew!
In other AH! news I have some rash on my back. I am trying to determine the cause. I know one of my meds can cause a nasty life threatening rash, but it could be an ant bite or something else. Damn it, now I have to go to the dr.
My insurance company upped the cost of one of my meds. Instead of $25 it's $40. Damn it.


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