And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Searching for self

So I am taking a vacation from being a girlfriend, a role I have played for 5 years straight. I am attempting to find who I am on my own. Where will this lead me? I have no idea.
The summer job situation is gone now. I just don't care. Maybe this is fate's way of telling me I have better things to do. Here is my list of things to do:

1. Study (relearn) Japanese (gotta study to get into Jet)
2. Work on curriculum
3. Master one of the Reger Suites
4. Scrapbook pictures from the last year
5. Read when able

I have picked up a great book: The Zombie Survival Guide. It is funny as all get out, but also very realistic. If you really imagine yourself in that particular situation the book provides very helpful information.

Today I did miss Marshall. I was feeling bad about the job situation. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and be held by him. I think that is a good sign.

I am having lunch with Angela and Diana from work on Friday. It is Angela's birthday. She is also having a party that night. I might just go. I need more friends, female friends. Not there is anything wrong with my male friends, I just need to be around other women. I think this will be good for me. I'll have people to talk to and hang out with.

Let the definition of the me on my own begin.


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