And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Friday, June 10, 2005

Just Another Post

Summer is continuing and nothing major has happened. I've been relaxing. My summer living situation has changed due to lack of planning on someone else's part. Just the same. Now I have to go job hunting in a different city. It's a minor setback.
I've managed to lose 5lbs in the last week or so because of new meds. They make me not hungry at all. I've only been eating because I know I should. And when I do eat it is not very much, just a few bites. My sleep has been affected as well. I am having more trouble getting to sleep and it is a very light sleep. I'll have to talk to the Dr. on Monday.
I think I am starting to get the hives I got last summer. I see it trying to come out. They are pretty much stress hives. The funny thing is that I get even more stressed out when I break out. I freak and start looking to find each and every red mark. Stupid, I know.
Erin got word from the apartment people that we definitely have the place. I can't wait. I think I will buy some plants. Not sure what that has to do with anything, but I thought it might be nice. I should be able to take care of a few plants, right? Or will it turn out like the fish. Fish sure are boring to take care of. I would often forget about mine. It's not like a dog, cat or child. It does not tell you when it is hungry or has to go or anything.
I've had a chance to work on story writing, which makes me very happy. I am working on one right now and have another one starting in my head. Thanks to Veronica and Erick for looking at each revision and addition. It's nice to have sounding boards.


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