And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Little Things

We miss moments in life that could have lead us to somewhere we want to be. We miss these chance either because we are too afraid to take them or we do not recognize that an opportunity has presented itself.
Are we too focused on what we want instead of the way to get there? Do we pass up the little things while keeping the big things in mind? I think all one has to do is realize what they want and how others are connected to that. Examine how these other people are connected. What is it that makes that person tick? What is it that they want? Figure that out and and woe them with that knowledge.
Is it that the girl you love feels you don't care or lack the ability to show it? Maybe all she wants is to hear from you, even if you talk everyday. How does she treat you? What are the little things she does to make you feel special? Does she give you little surprises? Maybe it's not all materialistic things, little notes, a card, an email, a letter, something so that she knows you think of her, that you cherish her existance. Maybe I am wrong.


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