And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Monday, March 28, 2005

Trip photos

Top of Chimney Rock Posted by Hello

Out on the canoe Posted by Hello

Marsh Posted by Hello

falls Posted by Hello

Row row row your boat Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Romantic Get Away

Back from the secret trip. I can now reveal the destination: Lake Lure, NC. I rented a cabin for 2 nights. We left on Thursday early afternoon and it only took us a few hours to get there. We checked into our cute cabin. It was small, but it was what we needed. We went down to the lake and took out a canoe. Marsh has more rowing power than I do, but I did my best. After going out on the lake we had to go into town for Marsh's medicine and a few groceries. When we got back to the cabi I made dinner. Then we checked out the selling point for the cabin - the jacuzzi! We filled it up and relaxed. We definately need one of those in our house, when we get a house that is. Throw in some good sex, a little cuddling and call it a night.
Friday morning I made pancakes. I am horrible at making pancakes, which I already knew from previous experiences. They don't look so great, but they taste like normal pancakes, so I guess it's ok. A little morning cuddling before we went to Chimney Rock. We hiked to the falls. They were beautiful. I am so glad the weather was good, it was supposed to rain. There wasn't a cloud in the sky all day. After going to the top of Chimney Rock we went for a quick bite to eat. We also got a picture taken at one of those old time photo places. We look so cute. Back at the cabin we took a nap, then lounged before getting ready for dinner.
We went out for dinner at a nice place on the lake. I got dressed up in my new skirt, heels and matching purse (yeah I guess I am a girl afterall). Dinner was about $90 including tip, but we had a certificate from the people we rented the cabin from so it was only $50. It was nice. I cheated a little and had some scallops. If you know me, you know that I am vegetarian and not the kind that eats fish and poultry. I guess I am coming off it a little. I have been thinking about eating fish again. It's not like I have been hardcore, meat is murder veg for the last 5 years. So I don't think anyone can get on me for making the change. My philosophy has been all about personal choice.
Anyway, back to the weekend. After dinner we settled in the jacuzzi, then a little more sex and cuddling. Today we check out and went to Asheville. We found some pretty cool places to check out. We found this one store that we both loved that had Japanese/Chinese/Tibetian/Mongolian objects in it. Some of the things were beautiful. Marsh bought me this cute jewelry box. I love it. We had some pizza for lunch, and let me tell you it was an awesome pizza. We killed that thing. Usually I do not eat more than 2 slices at a sitting, but it was so good I had to eat more. We found a kickin' record shop. What I loved about it was how they seperated the music. Instead of lumping everything into a "pop/rock" category, they had seperate sections for "metal" "electronica" "hip-hop" "punk/emo/hardcore" and "cool bands you don't hear much about." I bought a few cds. I couldn't help it.
I really liked Asheville. We went to a few different parts of the city and loved them. I am adding it to a list of places I wouldn't mind living in. I've come to some realizations, but I will address them in a later post. Now I am going to do some laudry and get my mind ready to go back to work on Monday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Break

Spring break has been all about getting work done. Yeah, it's a difficult change to go from a spring breaking student to a spring breaking teacher. I've been doing IEPs all week. I must say it has been good staying in Columbia with Marsh. I get to play the work at home house wife. I caught some sun today, which is nice. I do enjoy the change in weather.
Tomorrow we leave on our secret trip. It's not a secret for me as much as it is for Marsh. I can't say where we are going until we get back, that way it stays secret. I have been planning this trip for a month now. It would be a shame to give the secret away.
I guess that is all for now. I have some more business to take care of involving playing Sims 2 and not working at all, HA! There is also this other matter I should attend to, but maybe I will just let it work itself out in other writings (hint hint).

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

what I've been listening to

The Talk - Like magic in reverse
KillRadio - Raised on Whipped Cream
Bright Eyes - Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Arab Strap - anything really

These are the bands in rotation lately. The Bright Eyes record is really awesome. Each time I listen to it I like it more and more, though it creates this sense of longing I have no idea why or what for. I guess it creates the need for drama, to fully feel all that Connor is singing. Weird.....

A real update later ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Bloody Murderer

Curious as to what Tim Kasher and the gang were up to, I visited I checked to see if they had a new video and indeed they did. One of my favourite songs off the album "The Ugly Organ" now has a video.

The video is played in reverse, a girl rising from the water, taking off make up and undressing till she is back resting in bed. In the background is a picture. I found the picture to put the concept together. The picture is John Everett Millais's painting of Ophelia. It was a good idea, but I found the video to be poorly executed. It wasn't as well put together as "The Recluse," which is an awesome video. But I do commend them for using Ophelia. :)

You always say goodnite, goodnite

I find my thoughts turning further and further from you. I wonder how long it will be till you are forgotten. My senses are fighting to keep you alive in my memory. I think your mind is working in the same way; I fear I will be forgotten soon. I always wanted to be preserved in your memory, but I know how selfish that is of me. Things were never resolved; closure never made. Maybe I should have accepted that one goodbye as the last one, maybe things would be different. I didn't accept it, and you didn't let me accept it. Now I must accept it with no formal closure. I must let those traces of memory fade away.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A band and a few songs

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 22034 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Bright Eyes
Are you male or female:When The Curious Girl Realizes She is Under Glass
Describe yourself:Gold Mine Gutted
How do some people feel about you:Devil in the Details
How do you feel about yourself:Method Acting
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:It's Cool We Can Still Be Friends
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:You Are the Roots that Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth in Place
Describe where you want to be:The Center of the World
Describe what you want to be:True Blue
Describe how you live:Burn Rubber
Describe how you love:No Lies, Just Love
Share a few words of wisdomA Scale a Mirror and those Indifferent Clocks

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Friday, March 11, 2005

March is off and running and jeez if there aren't a million things to do. I need to test each one of my kids (it's actually 8 tests in one) and do an inventory of 104 items on them. From this information I will gage their skills and create an IEP for each of them. Then I will have to hold a meeting for each student and get it approved. It's a long grueling process.
School is going ok. I am getting frustrated. Just the same I am making progress with some students.
Things with Marsh are great, they always are. :)