And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Sunday, January 22, 2006

other people's opinions.

So somethings never change, or do they?

I'm back to a place where other people's opinions run ramped. I thought I got away from this, but I find myself there again. People pass their judgements thinking they know all the facts. The truth is they don't. They don't know what actually happened in the first place. They go by what other people have said, people who speculate only. There are only 2 people who know every single thing that has happened from day 1; actions, emotions, everything.

What makes this time different from any other time? Any other cycle of here again and gone? I lost someone and I don't want to lose one of the people that means so much to me. Other people can take what they want from this, but I don't really give a fuck about what they have to say. I know what's what.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Year's end and year's beginning

The last year was a rather long one. I moved into my 1st apartment. I started my first job out of college. My sister got married. I moved into a new apartment. My father died. That's a lot to go through.

It's been tough. I can't say otherwise. Normally I do some big rundown of the year, but I just don't feel it right now. Maybe next year.

I'm still trying to figure everything out. Things get so complicated sometimes. I'm trying to get to what I want, but first I need to know what I want. I guess before I even start that I need to know who I am. That question has circled in my head for years. How do I define myself? Or is it something else that defines us?