And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Saturday, December 18, 2004

The yearly run down

At the end of every year I make it a point to write about the last year. I was cleaning up some stuff while getting ready to move and found some of my old diaries. I read the last pages which contain these summaries. I've carried this on to my online journal. This will be my first on here, you can find others HERE.
I have been through a lot the last year and a half. Last year at this time I was 90lbs, sick, and drinking a lot. I was hanging out with Holly the other day and asked her "How drunk was I last year?" She answered the the two of us were drunk most of the time. I never realized how bad it got. We both were drowning our sorrows. It hit me when I was recalling our time living together that most of my memories involved drinking. I haven't been drinking much since then. I have only gotten drunk twice.
This past year things went from pretty damn bad to wonderful. I started out the year mourning the loss of a good friend and advisor. I busted my ass for the radio station in his memory. Spring semester was spent doing stuff for the station. I went through a few boys, Tommy, Benjamin and on to Erick. Things with Erick were good, they were. There was a connectiom neither of us could deny. Things just kind of fell apart and I ended up in the arms of someone else.
The past few months has been an on going battle between us. Severing ties has proved impossible. We are remaining friends, which is bothering a lot of people. But when have we ever cared about what others thought about us? Only those few weeks where we weren't completly honest with eachother.
The new guy is Marshall. He treats me great. I'm really happy with him. He is always surprising me with his greatness. We have great things in common, but it's not that we have everything in common. We suppliment eachother's knowledge. It's filling, it really is.
I've graduated from college :) I also have a job. I start in January teaching Special Ed. I'm excited about it. I am going Tuesday to move the room around to how I want it. I should be getting lesson plans started. I have also found a place to live :) It's a 2bed and 2 bath apartment with a girl named Leslie. She seems really nice. The apartment is great too!
Well this is all I want to update for now. I must get back to packing.


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