And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Monday, November 22, 2004


Back from Miami, wow!
That trip was amazing, just what I needed at this moment. Marshall and I left Wed morning and got back Friday nite. We weren't there long, but we needed it. The ride down there was fun, long, but fun. We talked, I played music.
The people we stayed with, Eric and Maggie, were super nice. They took us out for dinner (which cost $300!!!). They spent that money like nothing. They live like this, eat this way every night. After dinner we stayed at the hotel Maggie was doing design work for.
We made love and it was amazing. We exchanged I love yous and I just cried. Yeah I cried - sounds lame, but I did. I was so moved and overcome with emotion I cried.
The next day we went out on the boat. It was so fun. We ended up sleeping on one of Eric's boats. It was sweet.
I'd like to go into more detail, but for now I am tired.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

"I always thought I'd be a mom"

Somehow that line from a No Doubt song has always stuck with me. I think it's the fact that I work with kids. It comes naturally to me.
I was baby sitting tonite and somehow that always gets me thinking about having kids. I don't want any right now, but someday within the next 5-10 years. The only thing I know I am bad at is braiding hair, lol. I would try at the group home, but I never did it well. I suppose I should get some practice so I don't embarrass a potential daughter.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Love and saying it

Words we say can sometimes lose their meaning. The word "love" can get so overused. Even if we feel it in our hearts we shouldn't be spouting it off every five minutes. In high school I thought the word to be so overused that I refused to use it. I would tell someone that I adored them if I felt such feeling and was so inclined to tell them that I more than liked them.
For three years I said "I love you" so numbly. I said it because that was what I was supposed to say. That was what I was supposed to feel.
Since then I know better than to say it when I do not feel it. For a while I thought I was incapable of feeling it or recieving it. That turned out not to be true. I am capable of it, feeling it, giving it, and recieving it.
Now I hold certain rules with the word. Don't take it for granted. Don't say it at every hello or goodbye with the one you love. Don't say it over the phone, unless there are certain circumstances. Say it when you look into the eyes of the person you love. Say it because you truely mean it.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Progression of Time

Tomorrow is my final day of student teaching, man the time goes by fast. I'm going to miss these kids. We've gotten to the point where they hug me and tell me they love me. Let me get through tomorrow without tears. I cried both times I left the group home.
These kids are special. Each and every one of them. I hope I get to sub in their class when Ms. Swager is out. We'll see.
I have a month left here at school, which means I must bust ass to get ready for the move. I need to make a list of things I need to do. I should do that now.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

I just don't get how some people vote. The people who don't look at the issues or the facts. I don't know how some people can vote for candidates who aren't for them at all. Does it make sense to vote for someone who is going to make your life harder? No, but people do.
I asked someone why they were Republican. They answered that their parents were. I understand how that could be, but don't you have your own opinion? I don't get it.
Just the same I hope for the best with this election. Or I may have to move.