And Inspite of Every Turn.........

we'll be just fine, we'll be all right

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The out with the old year post

It's that time again; time for the end of the year blog. This has been a year of changes (more so than most years). This year I met some new people, had a few fall outs, moved schools and homes, and got to rock out a bit.

I moved into a house this summer. I got out of the apartment and bad roommate situation and into a house on my own. This has been a great experience.

The school I was working at closed and merged with another. I'm teaching an entirely different curriculum. I miss the older kids and I think next year I will make the move back.

Now for the year in pictures:

One of the cool things I got to do this year was go to my first NHL game. I bought Erick tickets to see his fav team, The New Jersey Devils, vs the Carolina Hurricanes. We were center ice between the penalty box. It was an intense game. Erick's team won (which is good because I hate Carolina). And the best part was watching #14 Brian Gionta. He's the smallest guy in the league.

Another fun thing this year was going to see The Films. I think I managed to see them 4 times this year. I got to see them with Jenn, and Tammy in Columbia and Charleston.
It was good to see Kenny and the guys. And it's nice to know that my breasts are still worthy of Kenny's staring. ;)

While watching The Films we met some new guys: Simon Dawes. These guys are sweet and make great music (see top 5 albums of 2006).
Jenn and I got to see them in Charlotte, Mnt. Pleasant and the very coolest of shows: Columbia! Good times.

I made some new friends this year, which is what I need. Jenn (pictured) is one of those friends. She has kept me laughing my ass off. We have traveled over 1000 miles going to shows.
Kristie is another great friend. She has bailed me out in times of need and keeps me laughing at work.

The best thing to happen this year, getting back together with Erick. We have been through so much shit together. I think going through all that brought us closer and I think we're going to be ok. Erick is the one person I can count on when things go to hell. We've had a lot of laughs this year too.

Top Albums of 2006:
5. Ben Kweller - Ben Kweller
4. Band of Horses - Everything all the time
3. Damien Rice - 9
2. Simon Dawes - Carnivore
1. Cursive - Happy Hollow

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Like some 1950s house wife

Well, well, well this holiday has come and gone. It has been a rough month. I've been in a down cycle throughout the whole month. Driving by myself across country didn't help my mood either.

It's our second Christmas without my father. It helps that my mother moved into a new place, but it is still difficult. I have had a hard time being here because being here reminds me that my father is no longer alive. It's easy to forget what happened when I am 2000 miles away. My grandmother is now in the hospital and doesn't seem to be doing ok. At least I know if she dies my last words to her were not words urging her on to her death. I know my father was going to die no matter what; and I know that in someway what I said gave him permission to leave this world and the pain he was in, but still.....

Just the same the holiday was good. I got a sewing machine, which makes me very happy. We got some patterns and fabric today. I also got some cooking stuff including the cookbook I wanted, 100 Ways to be Pasta. My mom threw in a pasta maker too. I will happily spend the new year sewing and cooking. Please come on by for a dinner party.

Gee, I sound like some 1950s house wife.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hot Sake and a Happy Birthday

The big 25 went by without being a drag - which shocked the hell out of me since I have a history of terrible birthdays. I think last year was one of the worst. I've been in a minor car accident on 2 birthdays (both when I was in elementary school). I spent one on a bus from LA to Phoenix to Tucson - good times. I spent many alone wishing I were dead. This one was spent with friends having a good time.

Erick, Kristie, Robert and Kerri joined me at Miyakos for sushi and sake. After our first pot the guy came up and said we got a free pot for my birthday. I also got a special apple sake. Needless to say with all that sake I got tipsy, ok drunk. That's more than I have had to drink in the past 6 months all together. I've been good about avoiding alcohol, but I thought since it was my 25th I could be a little reckless. It was fun, and I needed that.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Neither here nor there

I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I had never left California. I know for a fact I would have ditched the deadbeat boyfriend 3 years before I actually did (meaning no move to SC - which starts everything). I most likely would have gone after some of the Asian guys on campus. I would have stayed with my Japanese Culture minor and I'm pretty sure I would have switched from a Psych major to English (not too sure why). I would have already been to Japan by now. I would have had more music going opportunities.

There is a fundamental problem with imagining what life would be like if...... Is that you can't account for all the possibilities that easily change our lives. The big wrench in the gears is the Bipolar. How would it have manifested itself differently? I think it would have been managed sooner without the dependency problem and emotionally abusive relationship. Then again I have no idea of knowing. It could have spiraled out of control. I could have gone on a total manic spree.

In my imagined alter world it didn't. I would be in control and used the mania to help me write. I would still be writing. I miss it so. I would have used it to be better socially, rather than this terrible awkwardness I do have. I imagine having a more artsy lifestyle.

Then there leaves one last question: where would I have been when my father died? Would I have been right by his side? Would I still have been the one to say the last goodbye to him? I don't want to think about that. That is something that will haunt me forever.

Back to lighter notes. I wonder what type of friends I would have and what men I would have dated. Though I am happen with the friends I have made and the conquests I have made ;)

I don't spend much time daydreaming about what could have been. But what if I actually said hello that one time? What if I had found my keys? What if I was in that place now wondering what if?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Secrets, we've all got 'em

I've resurrected this blog in a way to keep secrets. Not a lot of people look here for updates in my life, they, instead, look to my myspace blog. There are things I can't talk about there because somethings I don't want to get out. For example, Jenn and I will be taking swing dance classes. We don't want to tell everyone. We would rather wow their pants off with out moves. How and where we have not figured out, but damn will they be surprised and impressed. Then there are all our wild rants about future things that may or may not happen. Then there is our cross country trip this summer.

And then there is Hobo Chic. I don't even know what to say about that at this time.

I just get lost in the daydreams. There are so many. Perhaps I should deal with them the way I used to. I used to write about all the things I wanted to do or randomly thought about. I should get back to that.

and a secret I would like to keep: no matter how much I tease Erick that his team (NJ) sucks, I do kinda like them. Shhhhh!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Make Out

I had this dream last night that we were making out. This is the 2nd dream of this nature. The first one took place on a city bus. This time we were on a bed.

It was one of those kisses where you have to keep kissing. And we did. We were holding hands, caressing each other's faces, and sharing the most amazing kisses. All it was was kissing. And it was great. Maybe it's the lack of kissing in my life, but damn it was good.

I told Jenn about this dream. She says that maybe dreams are communications with others. Are you having the same dreams? I wonder. Tell me.

Another wild and crazy night....

Jenn and I have been hanging out downtown and at the house a lot. That's what we do. It's fun. We made waffles last night, which we haven't done since July 4th around midnight.
Mixing it up.
Now we're cookin'!
It spilled over the edges so I HAD to eat it.